Dalies kontūras

  •         从理论上讲,管理控制是业务经理和管理控制师之间的团队合作。但在现实生活中,不少非财业务经理并不是很清楚什么是管理控制,管理控制师是干什么的或者可以为自己提供什么服务。这就要求管控师们积极主动地向非财业务经理推销自己及其管控服务。下面的小册子是由国际管理控制师协会ICV一部分会员集体撰写的“管控推销指南”,旨在为管控师们提供思路,向非财业务经理更好地推介自己的增值服务。该文件是ICV“管控师观点”白皮书系列的一部分。

    In theory, Controlling should be teamwork between business managers and controllers. But in the real life, many non-financial business managers are not very clear about what controlling is, what controllers are doing, or which services they could get from their controller colleagues. Because of this, controller has to proactively sell him-/herself and his/her controlling service to non-financial business managers. The following booklet is a “Marketing Guide for Controller”. The paper was written by a group of members of the International Association of Controllers ICV. It aims to provide to controllers with ideas for better selling their value-added services to non-financial managers. This document is part of the white paper series of ICV's “Controller's Statements”.