الخطوط العريضة للقسم

  • 我们的愿景 | Our Vision

    中国管理控制网上平台(简称CCOC)是 | China Controlling Online Community (CCOC) is :

    • 一个旨在转播知识、促进沟通和分享经验的线上和线下的平台 | an online and offline platform of knowledge information, communication and experience sharing,

    • 主要面向中德企业界财务和管控方面的专业人士,以及对企业管控感兴趣的非财经理人 | for finance & controlling managers and specialists as well as controlling-minded non-finance executives and professional in Sino-German business community,

    • 以帮助他们更好地了解和实践“德式风格”的管理控制,提升所在企业的业务和财务绩效 | who are interested in understanding and practicing „German-Style“ controlling philosophy and concepts for achieving business performance excellence.

    我们的服务 | Our Services

    本平台向会员提供企业财务和管控方面的相关服务,比如 | CCOC provides to its members relevant services in the field of Finance & Controlling, such as 

  • 本平台不少活动由我们和我们的合作伙伴共同举办,或得到他们的支持或赞助。目前本平台的主要合作伙伴有下列机构  | Many of our community activities are co-organized, supported or sponsored by our co-operationn partners. At the moment, our main co-operation partners are the following ones.

    • DUSA目前是我们每年一度的中德管理控制论坛的合作主办方,并且是我们在苏州和周边地区的不少沙龙研讨活动的合作方。|  DUSA is one of our co-organizer for the annual Sino-German Controlling Forum and co-operation partner for many of our Salon Events in and around Suzhou.

    • TRT是我们每年一度的中德管理控制论坛的合作营销方之一,并且是我们在太仓和周边地区的不少沙龙研讨活动的合作方。|  TRT is one of our co-marketing partners for the annual Sino-German Controlling Forum and co-operation partner for many of our Salon Events in and around Taicang.

    • CA是德语国家领先的管理控制和管理控制师培训机构,是我们每年一度的中德管理控制论坛以及不少沙龙研讨活动的支持者。| CA is one of the leading institutions in German-speaking countries focusing on controlling & controller training. It supports our annual Sino-German Controlling Forum and many of our Salon Events.

    • ICV是是欧洲中部和东部地区特别是德语国家地区领先的专注管理控制和管理控制师课题的专业协会,从2013年起就支持每年一度的中德管理控制论坛活动。| ICV is the leading professional association for controlling and controllership in Middle and Eastern Europe and especially in German-speaking countries. It has supported our annual Sino-German Controlling Forum since 2013.