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  • 本次活动由下列各方合作举办 | This is a joint event co-organized by

    本次活动得到下列方面的支持 | The event is supported by

  • 2021年10月22日 9:00 - 17:30 (签到 8:30 开始并提供茶歇早点) |  October 22, 2021  9:00 - 17:30 (Registration starts at 8:30 with coffee and snack)

  • 苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店,苏州市新市路 259 号 |

    Suzhou Pan Pacific Hotel, 259 Xinshi Rd, Suzhou, China

  • 英语 | English

  • With the increasing number of vaccinated people and the Delta variant of COVID-19 virus under good control in China, business in China seems to have been returned to normal state, although many market factors have been changing significantly which may have impact on our business in the coming decades: 

    Digitalization is not a future vision of a few consultants any more. It becomes well accepted mainstream topic and increasingly implemented daily practice. It is changing our way of doing business, our way of working and even our way of living.

    Domestic and international supply chain have experienced significant disturbances during the pandemic, which negative impact many export- or import-oriented companies are still suffering from at the moment. Rethinking footprint strategy for product or service delivery has become a necessity, and reconfiguration of value chain may not only be a short-term tactic move but a part of a long-term strategy.   

    Short-term imbalance between demand and supply caused by logistic problems as well as the permissive monetary policy of many governments around the world lead to price inflation in many markets, from raw material and property to critical components or even services. Even if companies might be able to forward at least a part of the inflation on the purchasing side to their customers, protecting margin and profit through improved cost control in production and non-production areas has become higher priority for management.

    China in 2021 is also not be the same country five or even two years ago. Geopolitical tension has been increasing continuously, while domestic economic and social policy are changing fast too. This increases uncertainty. Especially demographic development of the country may cause concern of many business leaders: Shortage of qualified labor is not only a short-term headache but may become a long-term problem. Employees, regardless blue or white color, are definitely not cost factors but have to be seen as most important assets of business for future growth and innovation. 

    "Controlling & Controller in Post-Pandemic Era" is the leading motto of the 9th Sino-German Controlling Forum, which will take place in Suzhou on October 22nd, 2021. As a platform of information, communication, and experience sharing among both financial & non-financial executives and controlling professionals, the forum offers opportunities for all participants to exchange viewpoints and experiences with old and new friends. Besides interesting keynote speeches by representatives of the German and European business community in China and by the International Association of Controllers in Germany, participants of this year's forum can join discussion about relevant topics and trends related to business-steering and -controlling in 6 breakout-workshops.

    We would like to welcome everyone interested in future-oriented controlling and business practice in China to join the largest annual controlling event of Sino-German and Sino-European business community in China. Don't miss the opportunity to exchange your viewpoints and experience with old and new friends in Suzhou on October 22nd, 2020! We are awaiting your attendance!

  • Please click the relevant link to get more information about the speaker.

    • 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Registration, Coffee, Networking

    • 9:30 AM - 9:35 AM  Opening Remarks by DUSA European Association Suzhou | Suzhou

    • 9:35 AM - 10:15 AM  Keynote Speech I (Online/ZOOM): The Global Economic Recovery: Prospects and Challenges for European Businesses in China in a Post-Pandemic Era

      • Global developments and shifting relations between China and Europe

      • The changing business landscape for European enterprises operating in China

      • Challenges & Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic Era

      • Trends to expect for the future

    • 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM  Risk or Opportunity? How Controlling is changing at Bosch

      • Technology innovation, new business models and the pandemic situation orchestrate the pressure for change

      • Strategic business steering under challenge if longer-term planning turns out to be difficult

      • Accuracy, agility and efficiency for the controlling function require fundamental changes for role and organisation of controlling

    • 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Coffee Break & Networking

    • 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM Workshop Breakout Session 1

    • Workshop (A): Decentralized Customer Service Delivery and the Role of Controller

    • For manufacturers, delivering excellent products is not enough. Creating a competitive advantage is increasingly linked to offering a high level of service and convenience to support the customers. 

      Yet, developing the business in such a way involves major structural and operational evolution, where the coordination of internal resources can prove challenging.

      We will explore together the role of the Controlling function in driving such changes and why it is crucial to achieve successful results.  

    • Workshop (B): New e-VAT invoice regime - Challenges and Opportunities for Finance

      • The future has come - take you into Schaeffler's digital management of Input VAT Invoice 
      • Challenges in System Selection - Schaeffler's digital management of Output VAT Invoice 
      • Discovery of digital VAT filing

    • Workshop (C): HR Management & Controlling in Times of Labor Shortage

      • Process, Type and Benefit of HR controlling
      • Where comes the standard of HR controlling
      • Impact of COVID to work - life (where we can control, where we cannot)
      • Key control method: Keep performance to the standard

    • 12:45 AM - 2:15 PM    Lunch break

    • 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM Workshop Breakout Session 2

    • Workshop (D): :Improving Profitability through Benchmarking and Big Data Technologies - Practice of Automobile Dealers and its Implication for Other Industries

      • How to get transparent financial data

      • How to find out the areas with improvement potentials

      • How to use the limited resource to improve the customer experience

      • How to balance the interest between OEM, Dealer and Customer

    • Workshop (E): Digital Finance: RPA and More ......

      • Digital Finance with Emerging Technology

      • RPA + AI Introduction

      • PRA + AI Use Case Sharing

      • Future of Work in Finance

    • Workshop (F): Enhancing Productivity in Non-Production Areas – Practice of Lean Management at Schaeffler Greater China

      • History of Lean Management
      • Lean Management History and Schaeffler - Challenges and Achievements
      • How to foster a Lean Management mentality in the Non-Production areas

    • 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM Coffee Break & Networking

    • 4:00 PM - 4:10 PM    Presentation of the Result of “2021 Controlling Survey”

    • 4:10 PM - 4:50 PM Online Presentation: The Controller in 2030

    • 4:50 PM - 5:20 PM Closing Speech: China as Hub for Global Business Services

      • The advantages of global business service (GBS)
      • What is the scope of GBS
      • The future of GBS
      • Digital transformation in GBS

    • 5:20 PM - 5:30 PM Closing Remarks

    • 5:30 PM - Open End: Controller's Beer Evening at DUSA October Festival 2021 (at Kempinsky Hotel)

    • Result of 2021 Controlling Survey
      The final result of our 2021 Controlling Survey can be seen online via the link below. The password to open the web link is 2021SGCF.
      Special remark:
      The final number of participants of the 2021 Controlling Survey has been revised to 54, as some more Forum participants submitted their answer after 15:00 on the Forum day, the point of time when the preliminary result of the survey was downloaded and presented to the plenum.
    • Please use the password "2021SGCF" to open the result page of 2020 Controlling Survey.