2014 论坛:为增长服务的管理控制 | 2014 Forum: Controlling for Growth
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2014年第二届中德管理控制论坛由上海德商会、德国的CA管理控制学院和上海德谌企业管理咨询有限公司联合举办, 并得到苏州欧洲企业协会(DUSA)和德国的国际控制师协会(ICV)的支持。| The 2nd Sino-German Controlling Forum in 2014 was jointly organized by German Chamber Shanghai, CA Controller Akademie from Germany and Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd.. It was supported by DUSA European Association Suzhou and International Controller Association (icv) in Germany.
本次论坛主题是“为企业增长服务的管理控制", 演讲嘉宾包括在华德企一线高管和管控经理,以及其他相关专业人士。| The focus of the forum is on "Controlling for Growth". The VIP speakers included front-line senior executives and controlling managers from German-invested companies in China as well as other experts in relevant fields.
会议于2014年11月25日在位于上海浦东张杨路777号的浦东锦江汤臣洲际大酒店召开,沟通语言是英语。| The Forum took place in Shanghai Pudong InterContinental Hotel, Zhang Yang Road 777, Shanghai Pudong, on November 25th, 2014. The forum language was English. Please download relevant documents here.
请点击下列链接了解本次论坛议程及其嘉宾介绍 | Please click following link for more information about the agenda and speakers of this conference.