
  •         首届中德管理控制论坛2013年10月26日在上海成功召开。论坛由多家单位联合举办,包括上海国家会计学院(SNAI)、总部位于德国的国际管理控制师协会(ICV)、德语国家管理控制培训市场领先的CA管理控制学院、及其CA在华独家授权合作伙伴上海德谌企业管理咨询有限公司。论坛得到上海大众斯柯达品牌赞助。| The first Sino-German Controlling Forum took place in Shanghai on October 26th, 2013. This event was organized by Shanghai National Accounting Institute (SNAI), the Germany-based International Controlling Association (ICV), the CA Controller Akademie which is the leading training institution for professional controlling & controller training in the German-speaking countries, and Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd. which is CA’s exclusive business partner in China. The event was sponsored by Skoda, a brand of Shanghai Volkswagen.

            首届论坛的主题是“管理控制和管理控制师”。演讲嘉宾包括德国WHU商学院的Lutz Schaeffer博士教授、上海大众的Bernd Pichler先生、上海德谌咨询的黄震博士、宝钢集团的孟祥云女士、德国LucaNet中国分公司的代表、上海国家会计学院的江百灵副教授等专家学者。| The motto of the 1st Forum was "Controlling and Controller". VIP speakers of the Forum were Prof. Dr. Utz Schaeffer from the German business school WHU, Mr. Bernd Pichler from Shanghai Volkswagen, Dr. Zhen Huang from Shanghai De Chen Consulting, Ms. Xiangyun Meng from Bao Steel Group, representative from the German IT software firm LucasNet, and vice professor Mr. Bailin Jiang from SNAI.  

            250多位中德财务总监、财务经理和专业人员参加论坛,了解了德语国家企业管理控制的基本理念和最新动向,并就管理控制在中国企业内部的现状和发展展开了热烈的讨论。本次论坛会议的日程、部分发言嘉宾的演讲稿以及现场照片请在此下载。| More than 250 Chinese and German CFOs, financial managers and professionals joined this event. They learnt the basic concept and latest development of controlling in the German-speaking countries and had a lively discussion on the current state and future development of controlling in China. The agenda, presentation of some of the speakers, as well as selected snapshots of the Forum can be downloaded here.

            请您注意,部分VIP演讲嘉宾没有将其演示文件提供给大家免费下载和公开传播。 如果您想得到这部分演讲嘉宾的演示文件,请和他们直接联系。谢谢您的谅解!| Please note that some VIP speakers did not provide their presentation for public distribution or free download. If you would like to have their presentation, please contact the respective speaker directly. Thank you for your understanding!