欢迎 | Welcome
并得到DUSA苏州欧洲企业协会、太仓高新技术产业开发区欧商投资企业协会TRT、常州国际经理人俱乐部CIMC以及总部位于德国的国际管理控制师协会ICV和CA管理控制学院的大力支持。舍弗勒集团大中华区,克恩里伯斯中国公司和Dorsey&Whitney 律师事务所为本次论坛提供了赞助。
This event is a joint event
co-organized by Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co.
Ltd. and
German Chamber of Commerce Shanghai and supported by DUSA - European
Association Suzhou, Taicang Round Table TRT and Changzhou International
Manager Club CIMC as well as by Germany-based International Association
of Controllers ICV and CA Controller Akademie. Schaeffler Greater China, Kern
Liebers China and Dorsey & Whitney LLP were official sponsoring partners of
the event.
您可以在此 | In this online room, you can
- 阅读本次论坛内容报道和各个研讨分会场的简短纪要 | read the summary report on the forum and short minutes on all workshops,
- 了解本次管理控制调研的结果 | view this year's Controlling
Survey results