Contorno (outline) de section

  • 2017年论坛嘉宾合影 | 2017 Group Picture of Forum VIPs

    图中从左到右分别是Sigrid Winkler女士(上海德商会),黄震博士(上海德谌咨询),Sahra Oemmelen小姐(普华永道),Alexander Prautzsch先生(普华永道),周蕾女士(魏德米勒中国),Alexander Tobert先生(克恩里伯斯中国),王璐小姐(拜耳中国),Annie Xue女士(瑞柏律师事务所),Oliver Diehm先生(博泽中国),许慧小姐(舍弗勒大中华区),Francesco Ingarsia先生(舍弗勒大中华区),俞江先生(舍弗勒大中华区), Ramesh Moosa先生 (普华永道), Peter Corne 先生(Dorsey & Witney律师事务所) 和 陈明先生(魏德米勒中国)。

    Note: From left to right are Mrs. Sigrid Wikler (German Chamber Shanghai), Dr. Zhen Huang (Shanghai De Chen Consulting), Ms. Sahra Oemmelen ( PwC), Mr. Alexander Prautzsch (PwC), Mrs. Chazy Zhou (Weidmueller China),  Mr. Alexander Tobert (Kern-Liebers China), Ms. Lu Wang (Bayer China), Mrs. Annie Xue (Rui Bai Law Firm), Mr. Oliver Diehm (Brose China), Ms. Hui Xu (Schaeffler Greater China), Mr. Francesco Ingarsia (Schaeffler Greater China), Mr. River Yu (Schaeffler Greater China), Mr. Ramesh Moosa (PwC), Mr. Peter Corne (Dorsey & Witney LLP) and Mr. Keven Chen (Weidmueller China).

    图片来源: 2018年中德管理控制论坛组织方 | Image Source:Organization team of 2018 Sino-German Controlling Forum

    请点击下列链接了解论坛日程 | Please click on the following link to get the detailed agenda.