Pregled sekcija

  • 下图是论坛下午嘉宾讨论的现场 | Please find the picture of the Panel Discussion in the late afternoon hours.

    图中从左到右分别是 Alexander Prautzsch先生(普华永道,主持人),Francesco Ingarsia先生(舍弗勒大中华区),Alexander Tobert先生(克恩里伯斯中国),Oliver Diehm先生(博泽中国),Ramesh Moosa先生 (普华永道), ,周蕾女士(魏德米勒中国),Peter Corne 先生(Dorsey & Witney律师事务所),王璐小姐(拜耳中国) 和黄震博士(上海德谌咨询,主持人) 。

    From left to right are Mr. Alexander Prautzsch (PwC, Moderator), Mr. Francesco Ingarsia (Schaeffler Greater China), Mr. Alexander Tobert (Kern-Liebers China), Mr. Oliver Diehm (Brose China), Mr. Ramesh Moosa (PwC), Mrs. Chazy Zhou (Weidmueller China), Mr. Peter Corne (Dorsey & Witney LLP), Ms. Lu Wang (Bayer China) and Dr. Zhen Huang (Shanghai De Chen Consulting, Moderator).

    图片来源: 2018年中德管理控制论坛组织方 | Image Source:Organization team of 2018 Sino-German Controlling Forum