2019 中德管理控制论坛:管理控制 4.0 - 效率和数字化 | 2019 Sino-German Controlling Forum: Controlling 4.0 - Efficiency and Digitalization
2019中德管理控制论坛:管理控制 4.0 - 效率和数字化 | 2019 Sino-German Controlling Forum: Controlling 4.0 - Efficiency and Digitalization
本次活动由下列各方合作举办 | This is a joint event co-organized by
本次活动得到下列方面的支持 | The event is supported by
2019年9月20日 9:30 - 17:00 (签到 8:30 开始并提供茶歇早点) | September 20, 2019 9:30 - 17:00 (Registration starts at 8:30 with coffee and snack)
苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店,苏州市新市路 259 号 |
Suzhou Pan Pacific Hotel, 259 Xinshi Rd, Suzhou, China
英语 | English
China business is entering a new era: On the one side, business environment has been changing in uncertain direction: Geopolitical tension and lasting China-US trade war produce their shadow on future business development. Companies have to become more lean and agile to cope with the increasing risks in domestic and international markets. On the other side, digitization of the economy is continuing its path of growth also in this second largest economy of the world, which brings new opportunities for companies to increase efficiency and achieve more competitive advantage in a smart way.
The 2019 Sino-German Controlling Forum has the leading motto: "Controlling 4.0: Efficiency and Digitalization". It aims to provide a platform of information, communication, and experience sharing among both business decision makers and controllers who would like to improve efficiency of their business and controlling practice in a world of increasing uncertainties. Besides interesting keynote speeches by representatives coming from large business groups and small-to-medium-sized companies, participants of this year's Forum will have the opportunity to visit 6 workshops focusing on different topics of controlling and business efficiency improvement.
We would like to welcome everyone interested in future-oriented controlling and business practice in China to join the largest annual controlling event of Sino-German business community in China. Don't miss the opportunity to exchange your viewpoints and experience with old and new friends in Suzhou on September 20th, 2019! We are awaiting your attendance!
Please click the relevant link to get more information about the speaker.
- Increasing importance of controlling in time of uncertainty
- Digitalized controlling versus traditional controlling: Key rationales for transformation
- Automation and efficiency improvement in controlling
- New opportunities arising from latest machine learning technology
- Using strong analytics tool for business performance improvement
- ruhlamat Suzhou: Who we are and what we do
- Growth in the past and challenges in a changing business environment
- Changing role of and increasing requirements on finance & controlling
- How we have tried to enhance controlling a small-to-medium sized company
- Key success factors and our lessons learnt
- Roles and responsibilities in sales funnel management
- Standard processes as necessary basis for digitalization – data maintenance / data quality
- Digital tools and efficiency
- Challenges and key success factors for sales funnel management
- Open issues and future outlook
- Evolution of automation - the wave of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Navigating future of finance
- Artificial Intelligence enabled RPA solutions to enhance corporate governance by re-enforcing 3 lines of defense
- New planning & budgeting technologies
- Selected case studies
- Practical challenges and considerations
- Increasing volume of business data in time of digitization
- Opportunity for improved data pooling for controlling
- Multi-dimensional profitability analysis based on data pooling
- Key success factors and implication for efficiency improvement
- The transformation journey of Bosch Finance
- Starting point and challenges
- Examples from predictive forecasting, shared service center efficiency and cost center controlling
- What comes next
- What are the key elements of Lean Management in Schaeffler Group?
- How was the introduction journey of Lean management in Finance?
- Sharing of successful lean projects in Finance
- How to build up and maintain a Lean Management culture?
- Industry 4.0 in WAGO
- Production controlling at WAGO
- Complexity analysis in production controlling
- Continuous improvement in production supported by controlling
Result of 2019 Controlling Survey
The final result of our 2019 Controlling Survey can be seen online via the link below. The password to open the web link is SinoGermanControllingForum2019.You can also download the result as an Excel file using the link below.Special remark:The final number of participants of the 2019 Controlling Survey has been revised to 60, as a few more Forum participants submitted their answer after 15:30 on the Forum day, the point of time when the preliminary result of the survey was downloaded and presented to the plenum. And one submission before 15:30 has been turned out to be ineffective so that it has been eliminated from the result. -
Please use the password "SinoGermanControllingForum2019" to open the web page.