2017 论坛:变局中的管理控制 | 2017 Forum: Controlling in Time of Uncertainty
תקציר יחידת-הוראה
2017年第五届中德管理控制论坛:变局中的管理控制 | 2017 5th Sino-German Controlling Forum: Controlling in Times of Uncertainty
2017年论坛演讲嘉宾、主持人和主办方人士合影 (从左到右)| Speakers, moderators and organizers of 2017 Forum (from left to right): Ms. Johanna Spee 小姐 (上海德商会 | German Chamber Shanghai), 吕敦成先生 Mr. Tun Seng Loo (菲仕乐中国 | Fissler China), 杨柳小姐 Ms. Kelly Yang (舍弗勒中国 Schaeffler China), Mr. Philipp Senff 先生(CMS), Ms. Grace Wang 小姐(舍弗勒中国 Schaeffler China), Mr. Oliver Diehm 先生 (博泽中国 Brose China), Ms. Christine Chang 小姐 (普华永道 PwC), Ms. Sarah Oemmelen小姐 (普华永道 PwC), Mr. Alexander Prautzsch (普华永道 PwC), 唐静女士 Mrs. Tang Jing (保时捷中国 Porsche China), Mr. Tobias Bichler先生 ( 博泽中国 Brose China), 俞江先生 Mr. River Yu ((舍弗勒中国Schaeffler China), Mr. Matthias von Daacke 先生(BLANCO集团,国际管理控制师协会ICV | BLANCO Group, ICV), 上海德谌 Dr. Zhen Huang (上海德谌咨询 Shanghai De Chen Consulting), 薛国珍女士 Mrs. Jane Xue (菲仕乐中国 Fissler China) 以及 and Ms. Pauline Beitenger小姐 (上海德商会 | German Chamber Shanghai). 采埃孚(中国)的Chris Ding小姐没有在画面上 | Speaker who was not on the picture is Ms. Chris Ding from ZF China.
您可以在此 | In this online room, you can- 获得本次论坛的日程和会议资料 | get the forum agenda and conference brochure,
- 了解本次管理控制调研的结果 | view this year's Controlling Survey results
请打开或下载下列文件了解详情 | Please open or download the file for more information.
论坛主题发言:在不确定性下的企业管控 - 一家德国有着隐藏着的冠军称号的企业的做法 | Key Note Speech: Controlling in Times of Uncertainty - the Approach of a German Hidden Champion
演讲嘉宾 | Speaker: Matthias von Daacke 先生,国际管理控制师协会ICV董事会成员, BLANCO集团管理层成员和管理控制部主管 | Mr. Matthias von Daacke, Member of the Board, Internationaler Controller Verein eV (ICV) & Member of the Management Board and Director Controlling, BLANCO Group
演讲嘉宾 | Speaker: 唐静女士,财务风险经理,保时捷(中国) | Ms. Jing Tang, Finance Risk Manager, Porsche (China) Motors Limited
演讲嘉宾 1 | Speaker 1: 吕敦成先生,总经理,菲仕乐中国 | Mr. Tun Sen Loo, General Manager, Fissler China Ltd.
演讲嘉宾 2 | Speaker 2: 薛国珍女士,财务主管,菲仕乐中国 | Mrs. Jane Xue, Finance Director, Fissler China Ltd.
演讲嘉宾 1 | Speaker 1: 俞江先生,总部职能管理控制主管,舍弗勒大中国区 | Mr. River Yu, Director Controlling Central Function, Schaeffler (China) Co., Ltd.
演讲嘉宾 2 | Speaker 2: Grace Wang女士,汽车事业部管理控制,舍弗勒大中国区 | Ms. Grace Wang, Automotive Business Division Controlling, Schaeffler Greater China
演讲嘉宾 3 | Speaker 3: 杨柳小姐,工业事业部管理控制和大中华和亚太区销售管控,舍弗勒大中国区 | Mr. Kelly Yang, Industrial Controlling & Sales Controlling in Greater China & Asia Pacific, Schaeffler Greater China
演讲嘉宾 1 | Speaker 1: Jürgen Berghaus 先生,审计业务合伙人,普华永道驻华德国业务组负责人(缺席) | Mr. Jürgen Berghaus, Assurance Partner & Head of German Business Group in Shanghai, PwC (absence)
演讲嘉宾 2 | Speaker 2: Chritine Chang 女士,财务会计咨询业务经理,普华永道上海 | Ms. Christine Chang, Accounting Advisory Manager, PwC Shanghai
演讲嘉宾 1 | Speaker 1: Philipp Senff 先生,合伙人,CMS中国律师事务所 | Mr. Philipp Senff, Partner, CMS
演讲嘉宾 2 | Speaker 2: Chris Ding 小姐,财务和管控主管,亚太区报表负责人,采斯弗(中国)投资公司 | Ms. Chris Ding, Head of Finance Controlling, Reporting AP, ZF (China) Investment
演讲嘉宾 1 | Speaker 1: Oliver Diehm 先生,管理控制和成本总监, 博泽中国| Mr. Oliver Diehm, Head of Controlling China, Brose China Co., Ltd.
演讲嘉宾 2 | Speaker 2: Tobias Bichler 先生,生产和职能部门管理控制总监,博泽中国 | Mr. Tobias Bichler, Director Plant & Functional Controlling, Brose China Co., Ltd.
我们感谢所有参加2017年论坛前管理控制调研的参会者,并期待您参与我们未来的管理控制调研! | We would like to say thank you to all those who participated in 2017 pre-forum controlling survey and are looking forward to your participation in our future controlling survey!