Shanghai, November 24th, 2017

The 5th Sino-German Controlling Forum took place successfully on September 8th, 2017 in Hyatt Regency Suzhou. More than 130 finance & controlling managers and professionals as well as controlling-minded non-financial executives coming from the Sino-German business community participated in the Forum

The motto of this years' Forum is "Controlling in Times of Uncertainty". The key note speech was provided by Mr. Matthias von Daacke, member of the Board of Internationaler Controller Verein eV (ICV) and member of the management board and Director Controlling at the BLANCO Group. Six separate workshops provided the opportunity to the participants to discuss about topics relevant for daily business and controlling in current Chinese business environment, such as

  • Risk Management and Controlling,
  • Business Intellligence for Controlling,
  • Sales Controlling & KPIs,
  • IFRS New Release,
  • Purchasing Controlling & Compliance, and
  • Product & Project Controlling.

Besides of the workshop breakout sessions, the Forum provided a short Partner Talk Round with the representative of Forum's partner companies in the morning hours, and two Panel Discussion Rounds with selected VIP speakers in the afternoon hours dealing with topics related to the Motto of the Forum, such as Planning & Budgeting in Times of Uncertainty, and Business Partnering, Local Controller Development and Controller Performance Measurement. 

The 5th installment of the Sino-German Controlling Forum provides a platform of networking and exchange for both financial and non-financial executives and professionals in German and Chinese business communities who would like to improve their controlling practice supporting future growth and performance excellence in China. It was jointly organized by German Chamber Shanghai and Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd.. It was supported by CA Controller Akademie and International Association of Controllers (former International Controller Verein, ICV) from Germany as well as by DUSA European Business Association Suzhou and Changzhou International Manager Forum.  

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