Section outline

  • 举办中德管理控制论坛的主意,一开始是在原上海德谌企业管理咨询有限公司首席合伙人黄震博士,原上海大众汽车公司高管 Bernd Pichler先生以及德国商学院 WHU Vallendar的 Utz Schaeffer 教授的对话讨论中产生的。 他们当时都是“管理控制在中国”倡议的积极分子, 该倡议面向那些对现代企业管理会计和管理控制感兴趣的中德企业专业人士, 旨在促进他们之间的对话交流。


    从2021年开始,苏州欧洲商会 DUSA 接替上海德国商会论坛主办方的角色,与位于德国慕尼黑的管理咨询和培训公司 Corporate Performance One 合作,共同举办这一华东地区中德企业界财务和管控专业人士以及对管控兴趣的非财高管和经理人士的年度盛会。

    The original idea for the Sino-German Controlling Forum was born in dialogue between Dr. Zhen Huang, former managing partner of Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd., Mr. Bernd Pichler who was at that time senior executive at Shanghai Volkswagen, and Prof. Dr. Utz Schaeffer from the German Business School WHU Vallendar. They were activists of "Controlling in China", which was at that time an initiative with the objective to promote the dialog between German and Chinese business and finance professionals interested in modern, efficient manage­ment accounting and controlling practice.

    The 1st forum was held in Shanghai in October 2013. It was co-organized by Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd., CA Controller Akademie from Germany, the International Association of Controllers (ICV), and the Shanghai National Accounting Institute. 

    Through the involvement of the German Chamber of Commerce in China Shanghai which has taken over the role of co-organizer since 2014, the Sino-German Controlling Forum has enhanced the industry focus and put a stronger emphasis on building a bridge between German and Chinese controlling practices.

    From 2021 on, Suzhou European Business Association DUSA has taken over the role of co-organizer from German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. It cooperates with Corporate Performance One, a management consulting and training company based in Munich/Germany, in providing the Forum as a leading annual event for finance and controlling professionals as well as non-finance senior executives and managers in Sino-German business community in East China.