Esquema de sección

  • 在当今中国的制造业,越来越多的企业正面临越来越大的成本压力。如何让生产制造能够精益求精,如何通过精益项目加强生产的管理控制,这些问题都是企业管理层和管理控制师们的热门话题。| More and more companies are experiencing increasing cost pressure in today’s manufacturing business in China. How to make manufacturing operations lean and mean, and how to enhance production controlling through lean projects are hot topics for both business executives and controllers.

    此次活动邀请克恩-里伯斯中国集团相关领域的两位经验丰富的专家,旨在为所有参与者提供一个互通信息、加强沟通和分享经验的平台, 并试图讨论以下共同感兴趣的问题 | This event with two highly experienced experts in relevant fields at Kern-Liebers China aims to provide a platform for information, communication and experience sharing among all participants. It tries to discuss about the following questions of common interest:

    • 精益生产项目对现代制造企业的意义 | Meaning of lean manufacturing projects for today’s manufacturing business
    • 如何更有效地策划和实施精益生产项目 | How to plan and implement a lean manufacturing project more effectively
    • 如何动员企业内部所有相关方参与精益项目使其成功落地 | How to mobilize all involved parties in the company for successful lean projects
    • 如何测量和控制精益生产项目的财务和非财务绩效 | How to measure and control financial and non-financial performance of a lean manufacturing project
    • 精益生产项目中管理控制师的角色、任务和所需技能 | Roles, tasks and necessary skills of controller in lean manufacturing projects
    • 如何让非财人员拥有管理控制/“自我管理控制”的能力,实现精益项目的可持续成功 | How to build up controlling / “self-controlling” capability of non-controllers for sustainable success of lean projects