Topic outline

  • 欢迎 | Welcome

    本次活动由中国管理控制网上平台/ICV中国、苏州欧洲商会DUSA以及太仓欧商投资企业协会TRT联合举办 | This event is an event jointly organized by China Controlling Online Community / ICV China,DUSA- Suzhou European Association and Taicang Round Table TRT.

  • 活动日程 | Event Schedule

    请点击以下链接获取本次活动议程和其他相关信息 | Please click the following link to get the event agenda and other relevant information.

  • 活动报道 | Event Report

    请点击下列链接阅读本次活动详细报道。| Please click the following link opening the detailed report on this event.