
    • 李先生在工业制造行业的流程改进和精益生产课题领域拥有超过15年的经验,其中包括3年的咨询顾问经验。他不仅拥有丰富的精益项目实战操作经验,还精通如何优化生产制造系统。 现在,他负责推动克恩-里伯斯中国集团的成本改善计划,该计划专注于产品、流程和业务成本的优化,旨在提高企业的息税前利润EBIT水平。

      Roger Li has more than 15 years experience on process improvement, lean manufacturing in the manufacturing industry, including 3 years consulting experience. He has not only rich hands-on lean project implementation experience, but also manufacturing system optimization. Now he is responsible for driving the cost improvement program in the KERN-LIEBERS Group (China), which is focused on product, process and business cost improvement, aiming to increase EBIT.

    • Jerry Lu先生在克恩-里伯斯(KL)中国集团负责KL生产系统的管理。过去两年在KL开展的精益项目多次被国内外知名企业,例如戴姆勒或空客集团企业等参观访问并视为最佳实践。 在汽车行业工作期间,他专注于生产管理,并成功开发并实施了精益生产系统。 Jerry Lu先生毕业于苏州大学管理与工商管理专业,在国内和海外都有丰富的工作经验。

      Jerry Lu is leading the KL Production System at KERN-LIEBERS China. The lean projects which where launched in the last two years at KL were visited many times as Best Practice by domestic and foreign well-known enterprises e.g. Daimler or Airbus. During his career in the automotive industry he focused on Operation Management and has successfully developed and implemented Lean Production Systems. Jerry Lu has graduated in Management and Business Administration at Suzhou University and has rich working experiences domestic as well overseas.

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