Esquema de sección

  •         国内外市场竞争压力的上升促使企业不仅要提高生产部门,而且同时还要提高财务等管理职能部门的效益和效率。| Increasing competitive pressure in domestic and international markets forces companies to improve efficiency and effectiveness not only in manufacturing operations but also in admin functions, such as Finance.

            财务职能部门的精益思维和精益项目非常重要,因为在非生产部门的许多作业流程中也存在“隐性浪费”。| Lean thinking and lean projects in the Finance functions are important, because there is also “hidden waste” in many activities of non-production areas.

            舍弗勒集团大中华区在这方面已经做了许多尝试,在财务部门也引入了精益管理的思想和实践。此次活动我们邀请到该公司财务共享服务中心的两位专家分享他们的见解、实战经验和心得。在活动期间,您将与发言嘉宾和其他与会者讨论以下共同感兴趣的问题。除此之外,您还将有机会参观舍弗勒大中华区的财务共享服务中心。 | Schaeffler Greater China has made many efforts to introduce Lean management thinking and practice also in the Finance function. Organizing this event, we are inviting two experts from Finance Shared Service team at Schaeffler Greater China to share their insights, practical experiences and lessons learnt. During the event, you will discuss with the VIP speakers and other participants about the following questions of common interest. Besides of this, you will have the opportunity to visit the Finance Shared Service Center of Schaeffler Greater China through a guided tour.

    • 舍弗勒集团精益管理有哪些核心要点 | What are the key elements of Lean Management in Schaeffler Group?

    • 财务职能部门是如何引入精益管理实践的 | How was the introduction journey of Lean management in Finance?

    • 财务精益管理项目有哪些成功经验可以分享 | Sharing of successful lean projects in Finance

    • 如何培养和维护精益管理的内部文化 | How to build up and maintain a Lean Management culture?