2015 论坛: 通过管理控制提高企业的经济效益 | 2015 Forum:Controlling for More Efficiency
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2015年第三届中德管理控制论坛: 通过管理控制提高企业的经济效益 | 2015 3rd Sino-German Controlling Forum: Controlling for More Efficiency
2015年第三届中德管理控制论坛由上海德商会和上海德谌企业管理咨询有限公司联合主办, 并得到苏州欧洲企业协会(DUSA)、德国的CA管理控制学院和德国的国际管理控制师协会(icv)的支持。| The 3rd Sino-German Controlling Forum in 2015 was jointly organized by German Chamber Shanghai and Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd.. It was supported by DUSA European Association Suzhou , CA Controller Akademie from Germany and International Controller Association (icv) in Germany.本次论坛主题是“ 通过管理控制提高企业的经济效益", 演讲嘉宾包括在华大型德企和德资中小企业的高管以及财务管控经理和专业人士。| The motto of the forum is "Controlling for More Efficiency". The VIP speakers were senior executives and finance & controlling managers and professionals coming from both large business groups and SMEs in China.会议已于2015年10月22日在位于上海浦东张杨路777号的浦东锦江汤臣洲际大酒店完满闭幕。The Forum took place in Shanghai Pudong InterContinental Hotel, Zhang Yang Road 777, Shanghai Pudong, on October 22th, 2015. -
主题发言嘉宾 1:刘璇叡女士,朗盛大中国区财务总监 | Key Note Speaker 1: Mrs. Michelle Liu, CFO Greater China, Lanxess
主题发言嘉宾2:Lothar Grad 先生,塑能科技(苏州)总经理,苏州欧洲商会会长 | Key Note Speaker 2: Mr. Lothar Grad, General Manager, Soehner Technology Suzhou and Chairman of Suzhou European Association DUSA
上午会议专题演讲 1: 改进销售管控促进业务增长 | Morning Session - Topic 1: Protecting Business Growth through Better Sales Controlling
演讲嘉宾1:Teo Zhao 先生,销售分析师, 汉斯格雅卫浴产品(上海)| Speaker 1: Mr. Teo Zhao,Sales Analyst, Hansgrohe Sanitary Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
演讲嘉宾2:Tanja Wehrle 女士,管理控制师,汉斯格雅卫浴产品(上海)| Speaker 2: Mrs. Tanja Wehrle,Controlling, Hansgrohe Sanitary Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
上午会议专题演讲2:智能品牌战术(ITB), 一个营销和销售主管以及控制师应该了解的方案 | Morning Session - Topic 2: Intelligent Tactical Branding (ITB) – A Concept for Both Marketing & Sales Executives and Controllers
演讲嘉宾:Bernd Pichler 先生,大众品牌高级销售总监,上海大众集团 | Speaker: Mr. Bernd Pichler,Senior Director Sales Volkswagen Brand, Shanghai Volkswagen
下午会议专题演讲1:让企业做好准备应对市场环境恶化—舍弗勒内部如何自发优化间接成本 | Afternoon Session Topic 1: Preparing the Organization for the Harder Time – The Initiative for Overhead Cost Optimization at Schaeffler
演讲嘉宾:Andreas Haeckl 先生,汽车事业部管理控制总监,舍弗勒集团大中国区 | Speaker: Mr. Andreas Haeckl,Director Controlling, Schaeffler Holding (China) Co., Ltd.
下午会议专题演讲2:提高营运资金的效能——在中国的挑战以及我司的实践 (中文版) | Afternoon Session Topic 2: Increasing Efficiency of Working Capital – The Challenges in China and the Practice of Our Company
演讲嘉宾:Harry Pfohlmann先生,财务和管理控制总监,凯士比泵有限公司 | Speaker: Mr. Harry Pfohlmann, Finance and Controlling Director, KSB Pump Group China
我们要感谢所有参与2015年前论坛控制调查的人,并期待您参与我们未来的控制调查!| We would like to say thank you to all those who participated in 2015 pre-forum controlling survey and are looking forward to your participation in our future controlling survey!
本摘要报告由上海德谌企业管理咨询有限公司的黄震博士撰写。请注意,本文只是记录作者对论坛的个人看法或印象,而不保证其完整性和正确性。 另外,本文内容没有得到所有发言者的审核。| This summary report was written by Dr. Zhen Huang from Shanghai De Chen Consulting Co. Ltd.. Please notice that the author of this paper has only been trying to document his personal perception or impression of the Forum without claiming completeness and correctness. And the content of this paper has not been reviewed by all speakers.
第二份报告由德商会上海分会在其媒体上发表。| The second report was published by German Chamber Shanghai in their media.