Schema della sezione

  •         本次活动为大家带来两个企业财务人感兴趣的研讨课题 | This event brings to you two topics interesting for financial professionals in many companies:

    >> 课题 | Topic 1:汇率管理 | Exchange Rate Management
    • 当前汇率情况概览
    • 汇率风险管理和财务中性
    • 全口径跨境融资
    Excange rate management can bring many opportunities for improving financial performance and risk management. Establishing effective and efficient excange rate management system should be a major point in business management agenda. How to build up internal exchange rate management system in times of increasing foreign exchange fluctuation, is a common question to be answered by business executives and financial managers in many companies. In this event, the speaker is going to discuss with you about the following points:
    • Exchange rate general situation
    • Exchange rate risk and financial neutrality
    • Full aperture cross boarder financing

    >> 课题 | Topic 2:海关政策 | Customs Policy
    • 海关企业信用管理和资质管理
    • 优化营商环境助力企业发展
    China Customs, together with other border agencies, aims to build the most efficient and effective port management scheme in order to safeguard national security and national interests and to serve the needs of international trade. In this event, the speaker is going to provide to you relevant information about
    • Enterprise credit & qualification management practice of the Customs
    • How the Customs optimize business environment meeting the needs of companies

  • 对汇率管理和海关业务感兴趣的企业财务经理和专业人士|
    Financial managers and professionals who are interested in exchange rate management and customs business. 

  • 2021年6月17日 14:30 - 17:00(活动结束后提供冷餐)  |  June 17, 2021, 14:30 – 17:00 (with buffet after the event)

  • 江苏省太仓市上海东路8号交通银行太仓分行 4楼会议室|

    Meeting Room 4, No.8 East Shanghai Road,Taicang,Jiangsu Province

  • 中文 | Chinese

    •         寿烨女士长期从事外汇管理业务,拥有10年以上相关工作经验,2012年起在纽约交通银行处理国际业务,目前长期从事外汇管理、政策研究等方面的工作。在业务操作、政策理解方面的造诣颇深。

      Ms. Shou has been working as Foreign Exchange Consultant in U.S.A and China for more than 10 years. She has profound experience in foreign exchange management and policy research.

    •         顾惠萍女士长期在太仓海关从事海关法律法规研究,工作经验丰富。在法律法规、政策环境的理解方面的造诣颇深。
      Miss Gu has been working as Legal Expert in Customs District Taicang. She has profound experience in law and policy research.

    •         邹明进先生长期在太仓海关从事海关企业资信管理工作,在进行企业的海关资质以及信用管理工作方面的经验十分丰富。
      Mr Zou has been working as Legal Consultant in Customs District P.R.CHINA. He has profound experience in company qualification and credibility research.

    • 本次活动主持人 | Facilitator of this event

  • 时间 | Time

    活动内容 | Activity

    14:00 – 14:30

    参会者签到 | Onboarding

    14:30 – 14:50

    主办方欢迎致辞(太仓海关、交通银行、太仓欧商会TRT) | Welcome remark provided by the organizers (Customs District Taicang, Bank of Communication, TRT)

    14:50 – 15:30

    太仓海关嘉宾演讲 | Presentation of the speakers coming from Customs District Taicang

    15:30 – 16:30

    交通银行嘉宾演讲 | Presentation of the speakers coming from Bank of Communication

    16:30 – 17:00

    互动问答和讨论 | Q&A and discussion

    17:00 -

    Buffet | 冷餐会

  • 活动主办方 | Event Organizers 

    交通银行 | Bank of Communication

    太仓海关 | Customs District Taicang

    推广合作伙伴 | Promotion Partners


    其他支持方 | Other Supporters