活动标题 | Titel of the Event:

精益生产和管理控制 | Lean Manufacturing & Controlling

日期 Date:

2018年6月21日下午14至17点 | June 21st, 2018, 14:00pm – 17:00pm

地点 Location:

沈阳市和平区北二路45号沈阳和平艾美酒店,邮编 110001 | Le Meridien Hotel Shenyang (No. 45 Bei‘er Road,Le Meridien Hotel Shenyang, Heping District, Shenyang, 110001)

语言 Language:

中文 | Chinese


内容提要 Content Outline:

  • 精益项目对现今生产企业的重要性 | Meaning of Lean projects for today's manufacturing business
  • 策划和执行精益项目:经验和教训 | Planning and implementing lean projects: Experience and lessons learnt
  •  管理控制对于成功的精益项目的影响 | Impact of controlling for successful lean project management
  • 测量精益项目的绩效:如何量化精益项目的财务和非财务效果 | Measuring performance of a Lean project: How to quantify non-financial and financial impact of a Lean project
  • 精益项目中管理控制师的角色、任务和必备技能 | Roles, tasks and necessary skills of a controller for Lean projects
  • 培育管理控制和生产部门“自我管控”的能力以使精益项目成功 | Build up controlling / "self-controlling" capability for successful lean projects

演讲嘉宾 Speakers:

  • 仲崇亮先生,精益经理,贺利氏信越石英(中国)有限公司 | Mr. Leo Zhong, Lean Manager, Heraeus ShinEtsu Quartz(China)Inc.
  • 黄震博士,首席合伙人,上海德谌企业管理咨询有限公司 | Dr. Zhen Huang, Managing Partner, Shanghai De Chen Consulting

活动主持人 Facilitator / Moderator:

  • 布鲁克先生,华北德商会辽宁和吉林地区经理 | Mr. Jan Carl Block, Regional Manager Liaoning & Jilin of German Chamber of Commerce in China - North China

活动日程 Time Schedule :

14:00 – 14:15

签到和欢迎致辞 Registration & Welcome remarks

14:15 - 15:00

仲崇亮先生的演讲:精益项目实践 | Presentation of Mr. Chongliang Zhong: LEAN Project Practice

15:00 - 15:30

茶歇和互动 Coffee break & Networking

15:30 - 16:30

黄震博士的演讲:精益项目和管理控制 | Presentation of Dr. Zhen Huang: Lean Project and Controlling

16:30 - 17:00

问答和讨论 | Discussion & Questions


报名渠道和费用 Registration Channel and Fee:

本次活动报名渠道已经关闭 | The registration channel of this event is closed. 


  • 中国管理控制网上平台普通和高级会员 | Standard or Premium Member of CCOC: 免费 Cost free
  • 德商会会员 | German Chamber Member: 100 人民币RMB
  • 非德商会会员 | Non-German Chamber Member: 200 人民币RMB

Last modified: Sanbata, 16 Guraandhala 2019, 6:01 PM