2021527 | May 27th, 2021

        企业商务智能(Business Intelligence, BI)体系为企业提升财务和业务管控水平带来了很多机遇。因此,建设一个有效和高效的内部商务智能系统是企业数字化转型工作的一个重要方面。但并不是所有企业都拥有足够的IT人手和资源来支持相关工作。如何在IT资源瓶颈约束下,建设好内部商务智能体系,经常是摆在不少公司领导和财务经理面前的一道课题。| Business Intelligence (BI) system can bring many opportunities for improving finance and business controlling. Establishing effective and efficient BI system should be a major point in the agenda of business digitalization. But not every company has sufficient IT manpower and resources for doing necessary jobs. How to build up internal BI system under the constraints of limited IT resources, is a common question to be answered by business executives and financial managers in many companies.

        2021年5月26日下午,中国管理控制网上平台/ICV中国和太仓欧洲投资企业协会TRT共同组织了一次一个半小时的ZOOM网上研讨会,聚焦上述课题。演讲嘉宾黄震博士专门从事优化企业管控体系和提升企业绩效等课题领域的咨询和培训工作,他和30位参会者分享了他的知识和观点。大多数参会者是来自太仓、苏州和上海的德资企业的财务和管控经理,一些参会者来自华北天津和东北沈阳。|On May 26th, 2021, China Controlling Online Community / ICV China organized an online webinar focusing on this issue. Dr. Zhen Huang, management consultant and trainer specializing on controlling and business performance improvement, shared his knowledge and views with 30 participants in a ZOOM-based 1.5-hours webinar. Most participants are finance & controlling managers and professionals coming from German business community in Taicang, Suzhou and Shanghai. There were also some participants coming from other parts of China, such as Tianjin in North China and Shenyang in Northeast China.

        本次网上研讨会是中国管理控制网上平台/ICV中国2021年度首次管控沙龙活动,由ICV中国和太仓欧洲投资企业协会TRT共同合作策划和举办。苏州欧洲商会DUSA是本次活动的合作推广方。|The webinar is the first controlling salon event of CCOC / ICV China in 2021. It was planed and organized by the ICV partner in China, Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd. in close co-operation with Taicang Round Table TRT. DUSA European Association Suzhou was co-marketing partner of the online event.  

Te Whakatika Mutunga: Tāite, 14 Tīhema 2023, 1:19 PM