2019513 | May 13th, 2019

        国内外市场竞争压力的上升促使企业不仅要提高生产部门,而且同时还要提高财务等管理职能部门的效益和效率。| Increasing competitive pressure in domestic and international markets forces companies to improve efficiency and effectiveness not only in manufacturing operations but also in admin functions, such as Finance.

        财务职能部门的精益思维和精益项目非常重要,因为在非生产部门的许多作业流程中也存在“隐性浪费”。| Lean thinking and lean projects in the Finance functions are important, because there is also “hidden waste” in many activities of non-production areas.

        德国舍弗勒集团大中华区在这方面已经做了许多尝试,在财务部门也引入了精益管理的思想和实践。| Schaeffler Greater China has made many efforts to introduce Lean management thinking and practice also in the Finance function.

        2019年5月13日下午,40多位主要来自在华德企的中外财务和管控经理以及部分非财经理和专业人士,来到位于太仓的舍弗勒大中国区共享财务中心(FSSC),参加了由中国管理控制网上平台CCOC/ICV中国策划的2019年第三场中德企业管控沙龙活动,聚焦“财务职能的精益管理”这个课题的研讨。| On May 13th, 2019 afternoon, more than 40 Chinese and foreign finance & controlling managers and specialists as well as non-financial managers and professionals coming from German business community came to the Finance Shared Service Center (FSSC) of Schaeffler Greater China in Taicang and attended the 3rd Sino-German Controlling Salon Event in 2019. The salon event was planed by China Controlling Online Community CCOC/ICV China. The focus of this salon event was on “Lean Management in Finance”. 

        沙龙研讨会议上,舍弗勒共享财务中心的高级总监陈朝廷先生,以及舍弗勒大中华区财务系统、流程和架构经理刘云芳女士,和与会者分享了他们在财务职能精益管理方面的见解、实战经验和心得,并回答了与会者提出的问题。研讨结束之后,大家还在两位专家的陪伴下,参观了舍弗勒大中华区的共享财务中心,实地观看了解了舍弗勒共享财务中心在财务精益管理方面的做法。 | During the salon event, Mr. Chaoting (Ted) Chen, Senior Director of FSSC Schaeffler Greater China and his colleague Ms. Yunfang (Rebecca) Liu, Manager Finance Systems, Processes and Infrastructure at Schaeffler Greater China shared their insights, practical experiences and lessons learnt in the field of lean management in finance and answered questions asked by the particpants. After their presentation and FAQ session, all participants made a guided tour in the office of FSSC Schaeffler Greater China to get live impression from lean management practice of Schaeffer in finance.

        本次活动由CCOC/ICV中国、上海德商会以及太仓欧商投资企业协会TRT等联合组织, 并得到德国国际管理控制师协会ICV以及德国CA管理控制学院的支持。舍弗勒大中华区在场地和组织方面提供了大力支持。| This event was co-organized by CCOC/ICV China, German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and Taicang Round Table TRT. And it was supported by International Association of Controllers ICV and CA Controller Akademie in Germany. The event was hosted by Schaeffler Greater China which also provided strong organizational support to the event. 

Zadnja sprememba: torek, 19. december 2023, 21.09