2019422 | April 22nd, 2019

        2019年4月18日下午,30多位主要来自在华德企的财务和管控经理以及部分非财经理和专业人士在苏州参加了由中国管理控制网上平台CCOC/ICV中国策划的今年第二场中德企业管控沙龙活动。本次沙龙活动的主题是“作业成本法及其在生产企业的落地”,活动用语是中文。| On April 18th, 2019 afternoon, more than 30 finance & controlling managers, cost accoutants, as well as non-financial managers and professionals coming from German business community attended in Suzhou the 2nd Sino-German Controlling Salon Event planed by China Controlling Online Community CCOC/ICV China. The topic of this salon event was “Activity-Based Costing and its Implementation in Manufacturing Business”. The event language was Chinese.

        本次活动由CCOC/ICV中国、苏州欧洲商会DUSA以及太仓欧商投资企业协会TRT等联合组织, 并得到德国国际管理控制师协会ICV以及德国CA管理控制学院的支持。儒拉玛特自动化技术(苏州)有限公司(以下简称 ruhlamat)在场地和组织方面提供了大力支持。| This event was co-organized by CCOC/ICV China, DUSA European Association Suzhou and Taicang Round Table TRT. And it was supported by International Association of Controllers ICV and CA Controller Akademie in Germany. The event was hosted by Ruhlamat Automation Technologies (Suzhou) Co., Ltd (ruhlamat) which also provided strong organizational support to the event. 



        ruhlamat总经理 Oliver Buergstein先生亲自在活动开始时用中文致辞欢迎所有参会者。紧接着,本次活动主办方代表和主持人,上海德谌的黄震博士,简要介绍了中国管理控制网上平台CCOC和国际管理控制师协会ICV中国小组的背景和活动。| Mr. Oliver Buergstein, Managing Director of ruhlamat, opened the event personally with a short welcome speech in Chinese language. Then, Dr. Zhen Huang from Shanghai De Chen Consulting who was the organizer and facilitator of this event, provided a brief introduction into the background and activities of China Controlling Online Community CCOC/ ICV China.

        本次活动的演讲嘉宾是来自凯驰清洁技术(常熟)有限公司的财务分析与控制经理卞荣高先生。他首先介绍了作业成本法和传统产品成本测算法相比较能为企业带来哪些益处,并分析了企业成本的主要驱动因子,然后借助一家美资企业在华子公司的实战项目,分享了该企业在整个企业实施落地作业成本法的具体思路和方法。最后,他还介绍了他目前所在的一家著名的德资家族企业如何在全球业务单位落实产品成本测算的标准化和优化工作。| The VIP speaker of this event was Mr. Ken Bian, controlling leader at Kaercher Cleaning Technology (Changshu) Co., Ltd. Firstly, he showed the benefits of Activity-Based-Costing (ABC) for business in comparison to traditional product costing approach and analyzed the major drivers of business costs. Then he shared the concrete approach and methodology of ABC as implemented by the Chinese subsidiary of a US company. Finally, he talked about worldwide standardization and optimization of product costing practice currently on the way in the company of his employer which belongs to a famous German family-owned group.

        嘉宾演讲之后的问答环节由黄震博士主持。不少与会者和演讲嘉宾就作业成本法的具体操作细节进行了讨论。| The Q&A session after the speaker presentation was faciliated by Dr. Zhen Huang. Many participants discussed with the speaker about the details of ABC methodology. 

        演讲和讨论结束后,与会者简单参观了ruhlamat公司的演示厅,并合影留念。大家都表示期望今后能有更多的类似沙龙活动, 以便能加强相互的经验交流和学习。| After the presentation and discussion session, attendants visited the showroom of ruhlamat and participated in a group shooting. Everyone is looking forward to more such salon events in the future for more mutual experience sharing and learning.

Kētanga mutunga: Tūrei, 19 Tīhema 2023, 9:08 PM