上海, 2018年7月27日 | Shanghai, July 27th, 2018

        2018621日下午, 近20位东北中德企业界人士在沈阳参见了一个半天的中德管理控制沙龙活动,活动议题是“精益项目和管控”。此次活动由华北德国商会驻沈阳办事处(以下简称华北德商会)和中国管理控制网上平台CCOC/ICV中国(以下简称CCOC/ICV中国)联合举办。 对于CCOC/ICV中国来说,这次是在中国东北地区首次举办沙龙活动。 | On June 21st, 2018 afternoon, nearly 20 participants coming from Sino-German business community in Northeast China attended a half-day Sino-German Controlling Salon event in Shenyang focusing on the topic “Lean Projects & Controlling”. The event is jointly organized by Shenyang Office of German Chamber of Commerce North China (GC North China) and China Controlling Online Community (CCOC) / ICV China. For CCOC/ICV China, it is its first Salon event in Northeast China. |

        活动地点在沈阳和平艾美酒店, 全程用语是中文。 华北德商会辽宁和吉林地区经理布鲁克先生首先用中文致辞欢迎参会者。紧接着,上海德谌企业管理咨询有限公司首席合伙人和ICV中国合作伙伴黄震博士,作为本次活动的合办方,在正式议程开始前向大家简短介绍了CCOC/ICV中国。| The event which language is Chinese took place in Le Meridien Hotel Shenyang. It was opened by Mr. Jan Car Block, Regional Manager Liaoning & Jilin of GC North China, with a welcome remark in Chinese language. As co-organizer of the event, Dr. Zhen Huang, managing partner of Shanghai De Chen Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd, and co-operation partner of ICV in China, introduced China Controlling Online Community and ICV China to the audience through a brief prepsentation at the beginning of the event.

附图1: 部分活动参与者合影


        活动正式议程的第一部分是由贺利氏信越石英(中国)有限公司的精益经理仲崇亮(Leo)先生所做的演示报告,他和与会者分享了自己的精益项目经验。仲先生在不同企业参与和领导了不少精益项目。 除了本职工作,他还曾担任精益项目的企业内部培训师。 | The official part of the event started with a presentation of Mr. Chongliang (Leo) Zhong, Lean Manager at Heraeus ShinEtsu Quartz(China) Inc., who shared his lean project experience with the audience. Mr. Zhong has been involved in and managed many lean projects in different manufacturing companies. Besides his normal duty, he has also worked as in-house trainer for lean projects. 

        仲先生借用一个精益项目实例,向大家讲解了精益项目的主要阶段, 其设计一般遵循DMAIC的典型流程(D是指Design设计,M是指Measure测量,A是指Analyze分析,I是指Improve改进,C是指Control控制)。 根据他的经验, 企业必须聆听“客户的声音”以便自己的精益项目能以客户需求为导向。非常重要的还有就是要让车间现场的员工成为精益项目的积极参与者。没有所有相关部门的认可和合作,精益项目是不可能成功的。 在演示报告之后的问答环节, 与会者围绕演示报告的内容展开了讨论,特别是讨论了如何让不同部门有更多的参与和激励, 以便精益项目更成功。| Taking a real project as example, Mr. Zhong explained the major phases of a typical lean project which normally follows the typical process of DMAIC (Design, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control). According to his own experience, it is important to hear “voice of customers” and make each lean project customer-oriented. Very important is also to win employees on the shop floor as active participants of the lean project. Without acceptance and co-operation of all involved parties, a lean project can’t be successful. In the Q&A session afterwards, there was discussion about the content of the presentation, especially about the question how to involve and motivate different parties in a company for successful lean projects.

        第二位演讲嘉宾是黄震博士,他和与会者主要讨论了如何测量一个精益项目的财务和非财务效果。| The second VIP speaker of the event was Dr. Zhen Huang. He discussed with the audience about the question how to measure the financial and non-financial impact of a lean project.

        在他看来,应该可以从三个层面测量一个精益项目的绩效:第一层面反映的是企业股东的视野,他们通常向看到企业财务绩效的改善,比如息税前利润的提升或者营运资金存量的减少等。第二层面是一些“综合性”的关键绩效指标,比如设备整体效能(Overall Equipment Effectiviness, OEE)或者人工整体效能(Overall Labor Effectiveness, OLE)等等。生产经理们利用这些绩效指标能够监控生产现场整体劳动生产率的提升。第三层面着眼于精益项目小组所关注的具体作业流程,凭借“流程关键绩效指标”主要测量具体作业流程的时间或者质量方面的改善。 对于管理控制师来说,就是要在不同的绩效测量层面之间搭起量化的桥梁, 让精益项目的绩效更透明。在演讲问答环节,不少与会者分享了在测量精益项目绩效方面的各自经验和体会。| In his view, there should be three levels of performance measurement for a lean project: The first level represents the view of shareholders who normally would like to see improvement of finanial performance, such as EBIT increase or working capital reduction etc. The second level refers to some “integral KPIs”, such as OEE (Ooverall Equipment Effectiveness) or OLE (Overall Labor Effectiveness), which enable operation managers to monitor productivity on the shop floor from a more integral view. And the third level of measurement refers to the set of KPIs related to the operational process in the focus of lean project team. These “Process KPIs” are mainly measuring process improvement in terms of time and quality. The job of controller is to build the quantitative bridge between the different levels of measurement and bring more transparency for the performance of lean projects. In the Q&A session, many participants of the event shared their personal experience and lessons learnt in regards of performance measurement for lean projects.

        三小时的活动很快就结束了,热烈的讨论让不少与会者感到意犹未尽。大家希望在不久的将来能有更多类似的交流。| Time went fast for the 3-hours event. Many participants of the event felt at the end of the day that there are still many things to be discussed. They are looking forward to more such events in the future.

Last modified: خميس, 14 ڊسمبر 2023, 2:01 PM