上海嘉定, 201881 | Shanghai Jiading, August 1stth, 2018


        201881日下午,25位分别来自上海、太仓、苏州及昆山等地的德企财务和管控经理和专业人士以及企业非财经理在上海嘉定参加了一个主题为“银行汇票管控”的沙龙活动。本次活动由中国管理控制网上平台CCOC/ICV中国、苏州欧洲商会DUSA以及太仓欧商投资企业协会TRT联合举办 | On August 1st, 2018 afternoon, 25 finance & controlling managers and professionals as well as non-finance managers coming from German business community in Shanghai, Taicang, Suzhou and Kunshan participated in an salon event in Shanghai Jiading focusing on the topic “Bank Acceptance Controlling”. This event is an event jointly organized by China Controlling Online Community CCOC/ ICV ChinaDUSA Suzhou European Association and Taicang Round Table TRT.

        本次活动得到博泽中国公司的大力支持,活动在其嘉定总部的会议室举行,全程用语为英文。| This event was strongly supported by Brose China and took place in the meeting room of the HQ of Brose China in Jiading. The language of this event is English.

        在下午两点的活动正式开始前,博泽中国公司邀请CCOC/ICV中国成员共进午餐,并由专人陪同参观了其集现代化与美感为一体的公司总部大楼。| Before the official event started at 2pm, Brose China invited members of CCOC/ICV China who participated in the event to joint work lunch and a guided tour in its very modern and beautiful HQ building.

        会议正式开始前,来自上海德谌咨询公司的黄震博士,同时也是此次活动的主持人,简单介绍了CCOC/ICV China的背景及其会员活动。| At the beginning of the meeting, Dr Zhen Huang from Shanghai De Chen Consultingwho was also the facilitator of this event, briefly introduced the background of CCOC/ICV China and its main activities to the audience.

        紧接着,博泽中国公司和舍弗勒大中国区的嘉宾进行了演讲。首先演讲的是来自博泽中国公司的管控和成本总监Oliver Diehm先生和她的中国同事,负责财务和区域服务的总监罗云红女士。 他们简短介绍了博泽中国的业务和结构,公司目前在银行汇票管控方面的实践, 遇到的问题以及一些解决问题的思路。| What followed were presentations provided by the VIP speakers coming from Brose China and Schaeffler Greater China. The first presentation was made by Mr Oliver DiehmDirector Controlling & Cost Management from Brose China, and his Chinese colleague Mrs Yunhong Luo, Director Finance & Regional Service at Brose China. They provided a brief introduction into the business and structure of Brose China, explained its current practice of bank acceptance controlling, showeed some existing problems and their ideas for problem solution.

         接下来演讲的嘉宾是来自舍弗勒大中华区汽车事业部的管控总监Andreas Haeckl先生。他和与会者分享了舍弗勒公司在中国市场进行银行汇票管控的实战经验。| Next presentation was provided by Mr Andreas Haeckl who is Director Controlling Automotive from Schaeffler Greater China. He shared with the audience practical experience of Schaeffler for managing and controlling bank acceptance in China.

与会者听取了来自两家公司嘉宾的演讲,并在之后的问答环节中就相关议题进行了讨论。| The attendees listened to the presentations of the speakers from both companies and discussed about relevant issues in the Q&A sessions.

        近三个小时的活动圆满结束,全体参会者和演讲嘉宾以及会议主持人合影留念。大家希望今后有更多类似的活动,能让大家加强财务和管控方面的交流和讨论。| After three hours, the event went to a successful end. All participants including speakers and event facilitator took a group picture at the end of the event. They are looking forward to more similar events in the future for controlling-related experience sharing and discussion.

图片1:参会者合影 | Figure 1: Group Picture of Event Participants

来源: CCOC/ICV中国|Source: CCOC/ICV China

शेवटचा बदललेले: गुरुवार, 14 डिसेंबर 2023, 4:27 PM