国际管理控制师协会(ICV)关于本次论坛的博客新闻 | Blog news of International Controller Association (ICV) on the 2016 Forum (German)
Требуемые условия завершения
这篇博客文章基于黄震博士撰写的德语版论坛内容报告的。ICV的编辑略微修改了黄震博士的德语版报告。| This blog article was based on the German version of the Forum Summary Report written by Dr. Zhen Huang. The German report was slightly modified by the editor of ICV.
Нажмите на ссылку 国际管理控制师协会(ICV)关于本次论坛的博客新闻 | Blog news of International Controller Association (ICV) on the 2016 Forum (German), чтобы открыть ресурс.