精益生产和生产管控: 2019年首场中德企业管控沙龙活动在太仓圆满结束 | Lean Manufacturing & Production Controlling: First Sino-German controlling salon event in 2019 was successfully held in Taicang (copy)
2019年3月31日 | March 31st, 2019
2019年3月20日下午,100多位主要来自在华德企的生产主管和专家、精益项目经理以及财务和管控经理和专业人士在太仓宝龙福朋喜来登酒店参加了一个主题为“精益生产和生产管控”的沙龙活动。| On March 20th, 2019 afternoon, more than 100 production managers and specialists, lean project managers as well as finance & controlling managers and professionals coming from German business community participated in an salon event in Taicang Four Points Hotel focusing on the topic “Lean Manufacturing & Production Controlling”.
本次活动得到克恩-里伯斯中国集团(以下简称 KL 中国)的大力支持。 该集团首席财务官 Alexander Tobert 先生首先致辞欢迎所有参会者。|
This event was strongly supported by Kern Liebers Group China. Mr.
Alexander Tobert, CFO of KL China, opened the event with a welcome
之后,KL中国集团生产系统经理 Jerry Lu 先生向与会者介绍了该企业的精益生产实践。 他演示了KL生产体系的指导思想和主要构成部分,精益生产实践所需的主要方法和工具、以及该公司取得的成就和未来的展望。 在演示过程中,他还通过一个简短的视频, 向大家生动展示了该公司精益项目的一些精彩瞬间。| After that, Mr. Jerry Lu, Production System Manager at KL China, introduced the audience into lean manufacturing practice of the company. He presented the basic ideas and major components of KL production system, major tools and methods of lean manufacturing practice, as well as achieved results up-to-now and future outlook. During his presentation, he showed some interesting moments of the lean project of the company through a video.
中场茶歇之后,该集团的成本优化主管 Roger Li 先生从财务和管控的角度,讲解了精益生产对公司业务利润(EBIT)可能产生的影响,演示了测量精益措施财务效果的方法,并介绍了KL中国如何确定精益目标、测量项目绩效并把精益项目和员工个人绩效测量和奖励联系起来。| After the coffee break, Mr. Roger Li, Cost Improvement Manager at KL China, explained potential impact of lean manufacturing on operating profit (EBIT) of a company, showed the calculation method used by KL China for measuring financial impact of different lean projects, and presented the practice of KL China for setting lean targets, measuring project performance, and linking lean projects with performance measurement and incentive system for staff members.
嘉宾演讲之后的问答环节过程中,不少与会者和两位嘉宾讨论了精益生产及其财务效果测量方面的问题,会场讨论气氛热烈。| In the Q&A session after each VIP presentation, many participants discussed with the VIP speakers about lean manufacturing and how to measure its financial impact. The atmosphere of discussion at the venue was very good.
演讲和讨论结束后,大多数与会者还乘坐主办方事先预备的大巴或者自己驾车到KL中国在太仓的生产基地,在KL公司人员陪同下实地参观了该公司的精益生产现场。| After the presentation and discussion session, most participants tooked a bus prepared by the organizer or own car and went to KL China's Taicang production base. During the guided tour in the plant, they could have a live experience of lean manufacturing practice of the company on its shop floor.
此次活动的嘉宾演讲和问答环节由上海普华永道的Alexander Prautzsch先生主持。 在KL嘉宾演讲之前,黄震博士代表CCOC/ICV中国简单介绍了平台的背景和会员活动。| The presentation and Q&A session of the event was moderated by Mr. Alexander Prautzsch from PwC Shanghai. Before the VIP presentations, Dr. ZhenHuang, representative of CCOC/ICV China, provided a brief introduction into the community and its member activities.
3月20日的沙龙活动是中国管理控制网上平台CCOC/ICV中国在2019年策划的第一场沙龙活动,由CCOC/ICV中国、太仓欧商投资企业协会TRT、上海德商会以及苏州欧洲商会DUSA等联合主办, 并得到德国国际管理控制师协会ICV以及德国CA管理控制学院的支持。| This event is the first salon event in 2019 planned by China Controlling Online Community CCOC/ ICV China. It was co-organized by CCOC/ICV China, Taicang Round Table TRT, German Chamber Shanghai and DUSA Suzhou European Association. And it was supported by International Association of Controllers ICV and CA Controller Akademie in Germany.