2016 论坛:通过管理控制实现卓伟的本地业务 | 2016 Forum: Controlling for Local Excellence
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2016年第四届中德管理控制论坛: 通过管理控制实现卓伟的本地业务 | 2016 4th Sino-German Controlling Forum: Controlling for Local Excellence
2016年部分演讲嘉宾和主持人合影(从右到左)| Speakers and moderators of 2016 Forum (from right to left): Dr. Hans-Henning Toepper (中联电子UAES), Mr. Marc von Busse (E.G.O), Dr. Helmut Schoeneberger (E.G.O), Mr. Francesco Ingarsia (舍弗勒中国Schaeffler China), 黄震博士Dr. Zhen Huang (上海德谌咨询Shanghai De Chen Consulting), Ms. Ruiyan Cen (大陆集团中国Continental China), Mr. Christoph Angerbauer (上海德商会German Industry & Commerce Shanghai), Mr. Jo Santens (联合磨床United Grinding), Mr. Alexander Prautzsch (普华永道PWC), and Mr. Lukasz Mehl (普华永道PWC)。没有在合影中出现的嘉宾是 Gerd Moehrke博士(普华永道战略咨询),Peter Richter先生(瓦克化学), Victor Zhang(德勤) 和 James Zhao(德勤) | Speakers who were not on the picture are Dr. Gerd Moehrke (Strategy&), Mr. Peter Richter (Wacker Chemicals), Mr. Victor Zhang (Deloitte), and Mr. James Zhao (Deloitte).
欢迎访问2016中德管理控制论坛在线空间 | Welcome to the Online Documentation Room of 2016 Sino-German Controlling Forum!
您可以在此 | In this online room, you can- 阅读本次论坛内容报道和各个研讨分会场的简短纪要 | read the summary report on the forum and short minutes on all workshops,
- 了解本次管理控制调研的结果(包括本次调研和2015年调研结果的比较) | view this year's Controlling Survey results (including the comparison to the 2015 survey data)
Speaker 1: Mr. Francesco Ingarsia | CFO, Schaeffler Holding (China) Co., Ltd.
Speaker 2: Mr. Marc von Busse | Managing Director Administration, E.G.O. Components (China) Co., Ltd.
Moderator: Mr. Alexander Prautzsch | Director, Tax Services – China Tax & Business Advisory Services, PwC
演讲嘉宾:Peter Richter 先生,管理控制总监,瓦克化学 | Speaker: Mr. Peter Richter | Head of China Controlling, Wacker Chemicals (China) Co., Ltd.
演讲嘉宾:岑睿彦女士,管理控制总监,大陆集团中国 | Speaker: Ms. Cherrie Cen, Director Central Controlling, Continental Automotive Holding Co., Ltd.
演讲嘉宾:Jo Santens先生,总经理,联合磨削机床集团(上海) | Speaker: Mr. Jo Santens | General Manager, United Grinding (Shanghai) Ltd.
演讲嘉宾 1:James Zhao 先生,合伙人,德勤中国上海 | Mr. James Zhao, Partner, Deloitte, Shanghai, China
演讲嘉宾 2:Victor Zhang 先生,高级经理,税务 - 转移价格, 德勤中国上海 | Mr. Victor Zhang,Senior Manager, Tax – Transfer Pricing, Deloitte, Shanghai, China
演讲嘉宾:Helmut Schoeneberger 博士先生,技术总经理,E.G.O(中国)Speaker: Dr. Helmut Schoeneberger | Managing Director Operations, E.G.O., Components (China) Co., Ltd.
演讲嘉宾:Hans-Henning Toepper 博士先生,物料需求计划和物流高级主管,联合汽车电子有限公司 | Dr. Hans-Henning Toepper,Senior Director of Logistics, United Automotive Electronic Systems Co., Ltd.
论坛结束时的演讲:工业4.0在中国 - 自动化和透明化的新世界 | Closing presentation: Industry 4.0 in China - The New World of Automation and Transparency
演讲嘉宾:Gerd Möhrke 先生,主管,普华永道思略特管理咨询 (上海) 有限公司 | Speaker: Dr. Gerd Moehrke | Principal Shanghai Operations, Strategy&
我们感谢所有参加2016年论坛前管理控制调研的参会者,并期待您参与我们未来的管理控制调研! | We would like to say thank you to all those who participated in 2016 pre-forum controlling survey and are looking forward to your participation in our future controlling survey!
2016年论坛的内容报告由上海德谌企业管理咨询有限公司的黄震博士提供。各个研讨分会场的简短纪要由上海德商会的论坛组织团队成员提供。| The summary report on the 2016 Forum was provided by Dr. Zhen Huang from Shanghai De Chen Consulting Co. Ltd.. The short minutes on the workshops were taken by different members of the organizational team of German Chamber Shanghai.
请注意,这两篇文件的作者只是记录了他们对论坛及其各个研讨会的个人看法或印象,不保证其信息的完整性和正确性。另外,两篇文件的内容都没有经过与会嘉宾的审核。| Please notice that the authors of both papers have been trying to document their personal perception or impression of the Forum and its workshops without claiming completeness and correctness. And the content of both papers have not been reviewed by the VIP speakers.
这篇博客文章基于黄震博士撰写的德语版论坛内容报告的。ICV的编辑略微修改了黄震博士的德语版报告。| This blog article was based on the German version of the Forum Summary Report written by Dr. Zhen Huang. The German report was slightly modified by the editor of ICV.